

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Nuyezhu. She lived in the mountains with her grandfather and grandmother. She was very kind and loved animals and nature. One day, a group of heavenly便秘tens appeared in the mountains and they were sent by the God of Love to bless mortal lovers. Among them was a brave and handsome youth named Li Jing. He was sent to help the God of Love find suitable partners for the mortal lovers. However, Li Jing accidentally dropped his scarf in the river and lost it. Nuyezhu saw it and thought it was a gift from heaven, so she kept it. Li Jing found out that his scarf was missing and realized that Nuyezhu had it. He immediately knew that she was the girl he loved and wanted to take her back to heaven with him. However, Nuyezhu refused to leave her family and friends and also fell in love with Li Jing. They decided to stay together and be happy in their own world. From then on, they were always together on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, which was named "Qixi" by the people of that time.七夕的故事就這樣流傳了下來,成為了中國的一個重要的傳統節日。
