
"Three Monks" is a classic Chinese folktale that involves three和尚 in different situations trying to obtain water for cooking.

If you want the story's translation in English, it might look something like this:

Three Monks is a tale about three和尚 who, one hot summer day, discover they need water to make a meal. One goes to fetch it, but is met with difficulties due to his height and strength, and has to climb up and down a waterfall repeatedly. Another takes a bucket and has to navigate treacherous paths to reach a river. The third is the most dejected, feeling helpless as he watches his brothers struggle.

After several hours of this, they all return empty-handed and exhausted. They realize that they have been arguing and blaming each other for their own failings, so they decide to work together. The first two climb up the waterfall and the third navigates the treacherous paths, and they all manage to bring back a full bucket of water.

This story teaches us that cooperation is essential for success, and that we should not blame each other for our own shortcomings. It also highlights the importance of teamwork and unity in overcoming obstacles.
