

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs that built their houses. The first pig built his house out of straw, the second pig built his house out of sticks, and the third pig built his house out of bricks.

After a while, a big bad wolf came along and wanted to eat them. He started to blow down the houses, one by one. The first pig's house of straw blew down and the pig had to run for his life. The second pig's house of sticks stood strong, but the wolf started to come closer. Then the brick house stood strong and safe.

Finally, the wolf got inside and tried to keep the door from closing, but he couldn't get out of the cold floor and he got cold and wet and went away.

The story tells us that we should be diligent and work hard to protect our own interests. If we are not diligent, we may face difficulties and danger. We should also be wise and choose a safe and solid house to live in.

