

There were three little pigs who built houses. One built a house of straw, one built a house of sticks, and the third built a house of bricks. Once they were done, they all thought their houses were safe enough.

But the first two houses were easily burned by the wolf. The third pig, who built a house of bricks, managed to escape with his life.

The pig who built the house of straw said, "I'm sorry, brothers. I didn't think the wolf would try to burn us."

The pig who built the house of sticks said, "I'm sorry too. I thought bricks were too expensive."

The moral of the story is that building a house of bricks is more durable and safe than building a house of straw or sticks. It also reminds us to be careful and wise when we make decisions, especially when it comes to our own safety and well-being.
