



Three little pigs, three little pigs

One says to the other, "I'm building a grand house of straw."

The other one says, "I'm building a brick house with beautiful windows."

So they build their houses.

And the wolf comes to the first little pig's house and blows it down.

And the first little pig runs away.

And then he goes to the second little pig's house and blows it down.

And then he goes to the third little pig's house and knocks on the door and there is no answer.

And then he is happy, because he lives in a safe house and no wolf will come.

The three little pigs, meanwhile, run away to safety too.

中文版解釋:第一隻小豬的故事:三隻小豬英文故事 豬大哥豬二哥貪玩調皮,不願意幹活,結果把房子建得東倒西歪,而豬小弟則辛辛苦苦把房子建得很堅固。結果狼來了,吹倒了豬大哥和豬二哥的房子,只有豬小弟的房子安全無恙。三隻小豬都跑到了安全的地方。



The wolf goes to the first little pig's house and knocks on the door.

"Little pig, little pig," he says, "let me come in."

"No, no," says the little pig. "My house is not very big, but it's safe."

"Then I will eat you," says the wolf. "I'm hungry."

So he goes away and goes to the second little pig's house. He knocks on the door and says, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." "No," says the second little pig. "My house is not very big, but it's safe." "Then I will eat you," says the wolf. "I'm hungry." So he goes away and comes to my house. He knocks and knocks and my heart is beating faster and faster. But I know I must be brave and let him in. So I open the door and he comes in and sits down beside me and says, "Little pig, little pig, I've come to eat you." "No," I say. "I am not afraid of you." And I put my head down and work away at my new house with all my might. And in a while, it is done! It is a very big, beautiful house with a nice big door that swings open and shut. And when he sees that, he says, "I won't eat you today," and he leaves me alone to live happily ever after.

中文版解釋:第二隻小豬:狼去豬大哥家,豬大哥不在家,於是去豬二哥家,豬二哥也不在家,於是去了我的家,不停地敲門,我心裡砰砰直跳,但我知道我要勇敢,打開門讓他進來,他進來後坐在我旁邊說:「小豬,小豬,我要吃你。」我不害怕,把頭低下,拚命和我新造的房子一起工作。過了一會兒,房子造好了!是一個很大很漂亮的房子,有一個大而漂亮的門可以開關自如。他看見後說:「今天我不吃你了」,之後讓我獨自生活再也不來了。 後來我還教其它動物建造自己的房子,我真是太厲害了!哈哈!(小朋友們,以後我們也要像故事中的小豬一樣勇敢、聰明喔!)

