

Once upon a time, there was a very ugly duckling. His appearance made the other ducks and even his brothers and sisters laugh. He was very sad and lonely.

One day, the mother duck took all her children to a lake to swim. All the other ducks had fun playing and splashing around except for this ugly duckling. He felt very uncomfortable and left alone.

As he grew up, he realized that he was not like other ducks. He had beautiful feathers and a graceful neck. He was no longer the laughing stock of the herd.

One day, a beautiful swan appeared and was attracted by his beauty. She thought he was a real swan and wanted to take him home with her. But he refused and said that he was born a duck and would stay with his family.

The ugly duckling finally realized that he was not a duck, but a beautiful swan. He had finally found his true self and could finally be happy with himself.

The moral of the story is that everyone has their own beauty, even if they may not look like others at first. We should not judge others by their appearance, but rather by their character and kindness.
