

* 世界上最大的市場是:攻心。 The biggest market in the world is: mindset.

* 機會不來找你,你就自己創造機會。 Opportunities don't come to you, you create opportunities yourself.

* 人若無名,便可專心。 If a person has no name, they can focus completely.

* 沒有失敗,只有暫停止成功。 Failure is only temporary cessation of success.

* 人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青. Life is not without its price, let me leave a pure heart to shine in history.

* 如果你不能完全弄懂,至少你應該熟悉它。 If you don't understand completely, at least you should be familiar with it.

* 愛情不是索取,而是給予。 Love is not about taking, but about giving.

* 擁有自己的目標和計畫,不斷追求進步和成長。 With their own goals and plans, always striving for progress and growth.

* 真誠是所有美德的基石。 Sincerity is the cornerstone of all virtues.

* 不要害怕失敗,因為失敗是成功的一部分。 Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is part of success.

