

* 《賣火柴的小女孩》 - "The Little Match Girl"


英文:She lit her first match, and the tiny flame cast a faint light on her pale little face. She trembled in the cold wind, and lit her second match. In the flickering light, she saw a warm fireplace. She lit more matches in the cold night, imagining food and warmth. In the end, she froze to death on the cold street, leaving only the flickering images of the matches.

* 《海的女兒》 - "The Little Mermaid"

中文:小人魚跳入大海,向著太陽游去,希望用她的美麗去換取人類的愛情。她遇到了王子,並決定為了他的幸福而放棄自己的生命。英文:The Little Mermaid jumped into the sea and swam towards the sun, hoping to trade her beauty for human love. She met the prince and decided to give up her life for his happiness.

* 《醜小鴨》 - "The Ugly Duckling"

中文:醜小鴨離家出走,來到了一個美麗的花園。雖然它外表醜陋,但內心卻有一顆美麗的靈魂。最終,它變成了美麗的天鵝。英文:The Ugly Duckling ran away from home and came to a beautiful garden. Although it was ugly on the outside, it had a beautiful soul inside. Eventually, it turned into a beautiful swan.

