
1. 井底之蛙:A reference to a frog living in a well,refers to someone who knows only a small part of something and is ignorant of the greater truth.

2. 狐假虎威:Refers to a fox using the strength of a tiger to intimidate others,symbolizing the use of others' power to gain advantage.

3. 守株待兔:Refers to someone who waits for a new opportunity instead of actively seeking one,symbolizing the idea of passive hope and lack of effort.

4. 畫蛇添足:Refers to someone who tries to add extra details to something without adding value,symbolizing the idea of overdoing things and wasting resources.

5. 拔苗助長:Refers to someone who tries to force growth of crops beyond their natural speed,symbolizing impatience and lack of understanding of nature's laws.

6. 破釜沉舟:To cut off all means of retreat and rely on oneself to achieve success,symbolizing the importance of decisiveness and self-reliance in achieving goals.

7. 螳臂當車:To use a small thing to resist a big force,refers to someone's naivety and stubbornness in resisting powerful forces,symbolizing the futility of resistance against overwhelming odds.

8. 亡羊補牢:To repair the gate after losing sheep,refers to taking action to prevent future problems after realizing a mistake,symbolizing the importance of timely action and learning from mistakes.

