

1. 守株待兔:Once upon a time, a man was working in a field and found a tree stump. He decided to sit by it and wait for more rabbits to come and get caught. He waited and waited, but never saw any more rabbits. The story teaches us that we should work hard to achieve our goals and not rely on luck or chance.

2. 畫蛇添足:A man drew a snake on a piece of straw and added legs to it. When others saw it, they laughed at him because he had added unnecessary details. The story teaches us that we should not add unnecessary details to something that is already complete, as it will only make it look worse.

3. 掩耳盜鈴:A man tried to steal a bell, but he covered his ears and thought he would not hear anyone. However, the sound still reached his victim, who caught him in the act. The story teaches us that we should not try to hide our actions from others, as they will still be able to see and hear what is happening.

4. 狐假虎威:A fox deceives a tiger into thinking it is powerful and intimidates other animals into submission. However, this fox's scheme backfires when it is discovered by other animals who see through the fox's cunning act. The story teaches us that power comes from within and that cunning cannot overcome strength.

5. 拔苗助長:A farmer tried to speed up the growth of his crops by pulling them up and pushing them down again. However, this only caused the plants to die because they were not getting enough water and sunlight. The story teaches us that nature has its own rhythm and we should not try to force things to happen faster than they naturally would.
