
故事名稱:Mid-Autumn Festival - The Moonlit Night

Long long ago, in a small village in the countryside, there lived a kind young couple. Their name was Li Ming and his wife, Li Hua. They both loved each other deeply and were very kind to everyone around them.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, the couple would prepare a feast for their family and friends. They would gather all their best crops and prepare delicious food, including dumplings, rice cakes, and fruits. They would also decorate their house with lanterns and flowers, and set up a beautiful table with a mooncake, the traditional dish of Mid-Autumn Festival.

One Mid-Autumn Festival, the sky was clear and bright. The moon was shining brightly, casting a soft light on the village. Li Ming and Li Hua sat on their veranda, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the sweet smell of the mooncakes.

As they were enjoying their meal, they heard a knock at the door. It was their neighbors, wanting to join them for the festival. They all sat together and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the delicious food.

As they were finishing up their meal, they saw a beautiful glow coming from the direction of the moon. They watched in amazement as a large group of lanterns started to float up into the sky, forming a beautiful river of lanterns. They all knew that it was the spirits of the dead coming to visit their families on Mid-Autumn Festival.

That night, as they watched the lanterns float into the sky, Li Ming and Li Hua felt a deep sense of peace and happiness. They knew that they were part of a beautiful tradition, and that they were loved and cared for by their family and friends.

And so, every Mid-Autumn Festival, the village would gather together to celebrate the festival with family and friends. And every year, Li Ming and Li Hua would host a feast for everyone, making sure that everyone had a wonderful time.

This story is about the joy and happiness of Mid-Autumn Festival, and how it brings people together to share beautiful moments and create memories that last a lifetime.
