


1. 舊的不去,新的不來。

New things will come in place of the old.

2. 時間是最好的療藥。

Time is the best healing medicine.

3. 時間會讓你忘記的。

Time will help you forget.

4. 感情的戲,我沒演技。

I don't have acting skills in love.

5. 當愛情走到盡頭,我們終究無法挽留。

When love runs out, we can't stop it in the end.

6. 我不是少了你一個就不行,只是沒了你,我會難過。

I don't need you, but I will miss you when you're gone.

7. 我不是不愛你了,是我不再愛你了。

I don't love you anymore, I am done with it.

8. 我沒想到的是,你的絕情可以如此決絕。

I didn't expect your coldness to be so decisive.

9. 現在的我,已經不會為了感動而愛上你。

I won't fall in love with you just because of感動 anymore.

10. 失戀就像掉了一個刺蝟,我還想抱著它取暖。

Loss of love is like losing a thistle. I still want to cuddle up to it for warmth.


1. Time heals all wounds.

Time heals all wounds.

2. I will get over you soon.

I will get over you soon.

3. I am not in love with you anymore.

I am no longer in love with you.

4. I never thought that your cruelty could be so decisive.

I never thought that your cruelty could be so decisive (blunt).

5. I won't fall for you just because of a moving story or act of kindness.

I won't fall for you just because of a moving story or kindness (sincerity).
