

1. "Rest is the best medicine."(休息是最好的藥。)

2. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."(閒散的手是魔鬼的作坊。)

3. "A little rest does a body good."(稍微休息一下對身體有好處。)

4. "Take time to relax and recharge."(要花時間放鬆和充電。)

5. "Idle time is the best time."(空閒時間是最好的時間。)

6. "Never let yourself get too exhausted to rest."(永遠不要讓自己太累以至於無法休息。)

7. "Rest is the key to creativity."(休息是創造力的關鍵。)

8. "A little relaxation before the race will make you run faster."(比賽前稍微放鬆一下會讓你跑得更快。)

9. "When you're tired, rest, when you're weary, cease."(當你累了,就休息,當你感到疲憊,就停止。)

10. "Quality sleep is essential for good health."(高質量的睡眠對於身體健康至關重要。)
