

1. 我的名字叫xxx,今年x歲。

My name is xxx, and I am xx years old.

2. 我喜歡畫畫和唱歌。

I like drawing and singing.

3. 我喜歡在周末和家人一起看電影。

I like watching movies with my family on weekends.

4. 我的愛好是讀書和跳舞。

My hobby is reading and dancing.

5. 我喜歡夏天,因為我可以穿漂亮的裙子。

I like summer because I can wear pretty dresses.

6. 我的學校非常棒,我喜歡在那裡學習。

My school is great and I like studying there.

7. 我的好朋友是xxx,我們經常一起玩耍。

My good friend is xxx, and we often play together.

8. 我希望長大後成為一名醫生,幫助更多的人。

I hope to grow up to be a doctor and help many people.

9. 我喜歡在放學後和朋友們一起打籃球。

I like playing basketball with my friends after school.

10. 我的家庭非常幸福,我為有這樣的家庭感到自豪。

My family is very happy, and I am proud of having such a wonderful family.

