

1. "Prejudice is a form of flattery." - Francis Bacon

2. "Prejudice is a very unpleasant companion, but a necessary one." - Oscar Wilde

3. "Prejudice is a collection of inexcusable beliefs held by the incompetent." - James Russell Lowell

4. "Prejudice is a superstition about people one has never met and a contempt for one's self towards people one has." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

5. "A little prejudice is often better than no opinion at all." - Theodore Roosevelt

6. "We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their performance." - Mark Manson

7. "If we assume a priori what is harmful or impossible about a person, then it's hardly any wonder that they act out our assumptions and, at best, give us more to be critical of." - Aesop

