

1. 做人要講信用,言必信,行必果。 - It's important to be trustworthy and keep our promises.

2. 做人要寬容大度,不要因為小事而斤斤計較。 - Be tolerant and kind, don't let small matters bother you.

3. 做人要有禮貌,尊重他人就是尊重自己。 - It's important to be polite and respect others, as it's respect for yourself.

4. 做人要懂得感恩,滴水之恩,湧泉相報。 - It's important to be grateful and repay someone for their kindness, even if it's a small favor.

5. 做人要有擔當,遇到困難要勇敢面對,不逃避責任。 - It's important to have a sense of responsibility and face difficulties bravely, rather than avoiding responsibility.

6. 做人要懂得寬容,欣賞他人的優點,包容他人的缺點。 - It's important to be tolerant and appreciate others' strengths while being understanding of their weaknesses.

