

1. Wishing you a wonderful start to 2023! 元旦快樂!

2. May the joy of New Year fill your day with happiness. 祝福您,新年快樂。

3. Wishing you happiness on New Year's Day and throughout the year! 祝您元旦快樂,新年幸福!

4. A happy New Year to you and your family. 祝您和您的家人新年快樂。

5. May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace. 願新年為您帶來快樂,愛和寧靜。

6. Happy New Year, my dear friend! 親愛的朋友,新年快樂!

7. Wishing you a wonderful 2023 and all the best! 祝福您在2023年一切如意!

8. May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year. 願您一年到頭都有新年快樂的氣氛。

