

* Wishing you a wonderful start to the new chapter of your life. Goodbye!願你新的人生篇章充滿美好。再見!

* Take care and may our paths never cross again. Goodbye!保重吧,願我們的未來不會再次相遇。再見!

* Hope to never see you again. Goodbye!希望我們能夠永遠不再見面。再見!

* May all the good things happen to you. Goodbye!願你的人生充滿美好。再見!

* Wishing you happiness wherever you go. Goodbye!願你走到哪裡都能幸福。再見!

* Take care and may all your dreams come true. Goodbye!保重,願你所有的夢想都能成真。再見!

* Have a great life without me. Goodbye!沒有我,希望你也能過上美好的生活。再見!

* Take care and all the best, [name]. Goodbye! [你的名字], 保重,一切順利!再見!

* Hope to never hear from your ugly mouth again. Goodbye!希望再也聽不到你醜陋的嘴臉。再見!

* Take good care of yourself and live your best life. Goodbye!好好照顧自己,過上最美好的生活。再見!

請注意,這些祝福語應考慮具體情況,並在使用時避免任何冒犯或不當行為。 祝福語應該尊重和友善。
