


Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. He loved to eat fruits. Every day he would go to the market and buy some fresh fruits to eat.

One day, he went to the market and saw a beautiful basket of beautiful fruits. They were all different colors and smelled so good. He couldn't wait to try them all.

He bought a basket of apples, bananas, oranges, grapes and pears. He brought them home and started eating them one by one.

As he ate each fruit, he described it in detail to his little sister. "This is an apple, it's red and round, it's sweet and delicious," he said. "This is a banana, it's yellow and long, it's sweet and yummy too," he said to his little sister.

His sister listened carefully and was eager to try each fruit herself. They had fun eating and describing the different flavors of each fruit.

That day, Tom and his little sister learned a valuable lesson about the importance of diversity and enjoying different flavors. They realized that fruits are not just about taste, but also about learning and having fun together.

