

Once upon a time, there were twelve animals in the zodiac. Each year, the animals would choose a leader to represent them. But there was always a problem. The animals didn't get along well with each other, and they didn't want to be led by someone from a different animal.

One day, an old monkey came to town and told the animals that they needed to solve this problem once and for all. So he proposed a competition to see which animal was the most outstanding among them all. The animals were eager to participate in the competition and showcase their skills and talents.

Each animal had their own unique talent. For example, the rat was smart and cunning, the ox was strong and reliable, the tiger was brave and fearless, the rabbit was gentle and kind, the dragon was creative and inventive, the snake was flexible and adaptable, the horse was fast and agile, the sheep was peaceful and kind-hearted, the monkey was intelligent and witty, the chicken was diligent and hardworking, and finally, the dog was loyal and brave.

After the competition, the animals gathered around the old monkey to find out who had won. But before they could make a decision, a voice came from above. It was a voice from heaven, announcing that each animal had a special gift that made them unique. They should not compare themselves with each other, but rather appreciate their own strengths and help each other out.

The animals were amazed by this revelation and realized that they could work together to create a better world. From then on, they started to get along better with each other and were able to appreciate their own strengths. And so, the story of the twelve animals in the zodiac continues to inspire people for generations to come.

