

* 遙映人間悲喜無定,離合悲歡如夢,原耽的世界裡沒有童話,卻有彩虹。

* From sorrow and joy without bounds, separation and reunion in dreams, to the world of rainbows in the world of original耽, there is no fairy tale, only a dream.

* 所謂的將心置頂,就是中規中矩,一旦多了一點出格就成了褻瀆. Originally called putting hearts at the top, it means obeying all the rules. Once there is a little deviation, it becomes blasphemy.

* 我們的人生路上不期而遇,你在我的心上落了根. We meet unexpectedly on our way in life, and you have taken root in my heart.

* 你是我明目張膽的偏愛也是眾所周知的欲言又止。 You are my unashamed preference and also my reluctance that is well-known to all.

* 你是我疲憊生活中的希望與星辰。 You are the hope and stars in my weary life.

* 你自月下出關,踏星河而來,便註定是我筆下的故事,眸中的少年。 You came from the moonlit passageway, across the starry river,註定 to be the protagonist of my story and the youthful figure in my eyes.

* 繁花入夢,原耽筆下的愛情都是奢侈品。 Love in novels is a luxury in the dream of Han Han.

* 他的存在本身就是一個奇蹟,而他卻在深淵中為別人帶來了光明。 He is an existence in itself a miracle, and he brings light to others in the abyss.

* 那些看似波瀾萬丈的日復一日,終究會在未來某一天照亮你的世界。 The seemingly endless days that seem to have waves and waves will eventually light up your world someday.

* 每個人都是自己的主角,我們都在自己的故事裡熠熠生輝。 Each person is their own protagonist, and we shine brightly in our own stories.

* 原來不是所有的喜歡都能如願以償,就像不是所有的喜歡都能得償所願。 Not all likes can be realized as expected, just like not all likes can be fulfilled.

