

1. 青蛙娶公主(Frog Marries Princess):This story tells of a frog who wishes to marry a princess, but is initially rejected by her. Through various adventures and transformations, the frog proves himself worthy of the princess's love and they are finally united.

2. 老鼠娶親(Mouse's Wedding):This story involves a mouse who wants to get married, but his relatives and friends all object to his choice of bride. They try to find a more suitable mouse for him, but in the end, he realizes that his true love is the one he originally wanted.

3. 蛇郎君(Serpent Sovereign): This story tells of a beautiful young woman who falls in love with a serpent who disguises himself as a human. She is told by others that serpents are dangerous and she must run away, but in the end she realizes that her true love is a serpent after all.

