

* 書籍是人類進步的階梯。 - Books are the ladder of human progress.

* 凡事欲其成功,必要付出代價。 - Everything requires effort and cost to achieve success.

* 人生的價值,並不是用時間,而是用深度去衡量。 - The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.

* 只有那些勇敢的人才能每天克服恐懼而不被嚇倒。 - Only those who are brave can克服恐懼 every day without being scared.

* 只有比昨天更好的技術,才能生存。 - Only by improving technology better than yesterday can survive.

* 如果你不能戰勝他們,你就得順從他們。 - If you can't defeat them, you have to submit to them.

* 不要怕犯錯誤,一切可以從頭再來。 - Don't be afraid to make mistakes, everything can be redone.

* 人生就像騎腳踏車,要保持平衡就得向前蹬。 - Life is like riding a bicycle, to maintain balance you have to keep pushing forward.

* 世界上沒有絕對的好,也沒有絕對的壞。 - There is no absolute good or absolute bad in the world.

* 人不是生來被打敗的,你可以消滅他,可就是打不敗他。 - Man is not born to be defeated, you can defeat him, but you can't beat him.

* 我不能等你一年零一個月了,我也不能等你到二十五歲了,但是我會在心裡一直默默的等著你回來。 - I can't wait another year and a month, I can't wait until you are 25 years old, but I will always wait for you silently in my heart.

