








The story of perseverance and courage

In a small village, there was a boy named Xiao Ming who dreamed of becoming a great painter. However, his family was not well off and did not have enough money to support his studies in painting. Xiao Ming did not give up, though. He secretly practiced drawing simple pictures every free time to improve his painting skills.

However, difficulties soon came. One day, one of the villagers saw Xiao Ming's painting and thought it was poor and ridiculed him. This made him feel very discouraged, but he didn't give up. He believed in his dream and continued to work hard.

Months later, a painting competition was held in the village. Xiao Ming had the courage to sign up for the competition, even though he knew he wasn't good at it. Despite his lack of skill, he put in everything he had to complete his work. To everyone's surprise, Xiao Ming's painting received high praise from the judges and he won first place!

This story teaches us that persistent effort and courage are the keys to achieving our dreams. Even when faced with difficulties and setbacks, we should not give up easily. Only by persistently working hard can we finally achieve our dreams.
