

1. 開頭:首先向對方表達誠摯的感謝,並說明原因。例如,「I am writing to convey my heartfelt gratitude for your assistance.」(我寫這封信是為了表達我由衷的感謝。)

2. 正文:詳細描述對方所提供的幫助或支持,並表達感激之情。可以提及具體的事項,如提供的建議、提供的資源、提供的幫助等。同時,也可以表達對對方的尊重和認可,例如,「I am deeply grateful for your valuable input and support.」(我深深地感謝您提供的寶貴意見和支持。)

3. 結尾:再次表達對對方的感謝,並祝願對方一切順利。例如,「I sincerely appreciate your kindness and support. Best wishes for your continued success.」(我衷心感謝您的善良和支持。祝願您繼續取得成功。)



Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to convey my heartfelt gratitude for your assistance and support during the recent project.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your valuable input and guidance, which helped us achieve our objectives. Secondly, you provided us with essential resources that made a significant difference to our project's success. Lastly, your kindness and understanding during challenging times was truly heartening.

Without your assistance, we would not have been able to achieve our goals. Your dedication and commitment have been greatly appreciated.

I sincerely appreciate your kindness and support. Best wishes for your continued success in all your future endeavors.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
