

1. 恭喜你喬遷新居!搬個新家,換個心情;住個新房,放個心花;換個新居,開個心扉;來個新樓,潤個心田。祝你生活快樂,步步高升。

Congratulations on your new home move! Moving to a new house, changing your mood; moving into a new apartment, putting flowers in your heart; moving to a new place, opening your mind; moving into a new building, moistening your heartland. I wish you happiness and progress in life.

2. 恭喜你喬遷新居,願你生活美滿、幸福安康!

Congratulations on your new home move. I wish you a life filled with happiness and good health!

3. 祝賀你喬遷新居,希望你的新家帶給你新的幸福和快樂!

Congratulations on your new home move. I hope your new home brings you new happiness and joy!

4. 願你的新家帶給你幸福、和諧和成功!

May your new home bring you happiness, harmony, and success!

5. 祝你在新的家裡萬事如意,身體健康!

Wishing you all the best in your new home, and good health!

