








The Little Rabbit and the Big Tiger

In a beautiful forest, there lived a kind little rabbit and a fierce big tiger. The little rabbit was always kind and would help other animals; while the big tiger bullied others and was known for his strength. Although their personalities were very different, they were good friends.

One day, the little rabbit and the big tiger went to search for food in the forest's other side. When they passed a small stream, they found a lost bird who couldn't fly across it. The little rabbit immediately walked over and asked with concern, "Why are you lost, bird? Do you need help?" The bird replied, "My wings are injured and I can't fly across this stream." The little rabbit thought for a moment and said, "It's okay, let me help you."

So, the little rabbit made a makeshift boat out of leaves and branches and helped the bird across the stream. The bird was very grateful and said to the little rabbit, "Thank you for saving me. You are a kind and good child." The little rabbit modestly replied, "It's nothing."

At this moment, the big tiger came over. Seeing this, he became very angry. He thought that the little rabbit was trying to curry favor with the bird by being kind to him. The big tiger decided to test the loyalty of the little rabbit by saying, "If you leave me, I can give you ten times the strength and courage I have now." The little rabbit replied, "Strength and courage come not from others but from kindness and honesty."

The big tiger was shocked by the little rabbit's answer. He realized he had misunderstood the little rabbit all along. From then on, the big tiger and the little rabbit became even better friends. They helped other animals in the forest together and made the forest a better place.

This story teaches us that kindness and honesty are real strengths. When we treat others with kindness and sincerity, we gain more friendships and love. At the same time, we should learn to respect and understand others, and not misunderstand or hurt our friends easily.
