

1. 祝你在新的一年裡心想事成,萬事如意。

Wishing you all the best in the new year as you dream and achieve everything you aim for.

2. 親愛的,聖誕快樂!願你的聖誕充滿愛與和平。

Dear, Merry Christmas! May your Christmas be filled with love and peace.

3. 聖誕節快樂,願你的生活如詩如畫,美好無比。

Happy Christmas, may your life be as beautiful as a poem or a painting.

4. 聖誕卡上的每一句話都充滿了對你的祝福和思念。

Every word on this Christmas card is filled with my wishes and thoughts for you.

5. 親愛的,新的一年,新的開始,願你平安健康,幸福無比。

Dear, a new year, a new beginning, may you be peaceful and healthy, happier than ever.

6. 聖誕節快樂,願你的世界充滿愛與歡笑。

Merry Christmas, may your world be filled with love and laughter.

