

* Life without a friend is a life without a very thing to keep it interesting. -- R.U.Kemp。沒有朋友的的生活是一個沒有樂趣的生活。

* One may miss love but one cannot miss the feeling of love.人或許會錯過愛情,但不影響對愛情的懷念。

* Sometimes your love is so strong that you think you've lost it, but in reality it's inside you all along.有時候,你的心可以非常非常痛,你覺得自己快要死掉了,但是其實你一直都活著。

* Love lost is the loss of hope.失戀就是絕望。

* For years I walked around with my chest ripped open showing everyone the scars, trying to understand and make sense of what happened. Lost Love is the most powerful magic on earth. After all, Love lost becomes your reality. -- SophiaLavenderBren


* It is easy to forget the pain of missing someone when you find someone new. However, when you do find them again, you remember all over again and realize how much they meant to you in the first place.愛情是不小心落下的雨滴,拾起滴一滴就有波瀾迴旋,當他再一次出現在你面前的時候你會說一句久違。愛情的路不止一個錯過了就太可惜了。

