

1. 稱呼:根據收信人的姓名或職位寫上適當的稱呼,如果對方是長輩或者公司上級,需要使用尊稱,比如Dear [姓]或Dear Mr. [名字]。如果對方有職務,也可以使用相應稱呼,比如Dear [職位] Sir。

2. 問候:在開頭寫上問候語,比如Best regards, Warm greetings等,讓對方感受到關心和慰問。

3. 信頭:如果是給熟悉的朋友寫信,可以在右上角寫上自己的地址和日期,以便對方了解自己最近的情況。

4. 主體部分:開始進入正題,介紹信的內容。可以按照時間順序或者主題來組織內容,讓對方了解事情的來龍去脈。

5. 結束語:在結尾部分,根據具體情況寫上適當的結束語,比如Yours faithfully, Yours respectfully等,以表達對對方的尊重和禮貌。


Dear John,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to seek your advice on my recent endeavor to learn English.

I have been studying the language for the past few months and find it quite challenging at times. I am unsure of my progress and would appreciate it if you could offer me some guidance and feedback on my efforts.

It would be great if you could share some of your effective study methods and resources that have helped you achieve success in the language. I am also open to any suggestions that you may have for improving my technique and practice.

Thank you in advance for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,


