

* 祝你們婚禮圓滿成功,新婚快樂!* Wishing you all the happiness of a wonderful wedding day.* 願你們的婚禮圓滿成功,祝福你們永結同心,百年好合!* May your wedding be a joyous occasion that unites you forever.* 祝你們的婚姻幸福美滿,白頭偕老!* Best wishes for a happy and healthy marriage.* 祝你們的婚姻健康幸福,一切安好!* Congratulations on your wedding day, may your marriage be filled with love and happiness.* 恭喜你結婚,祝你們的婚姻充滿愛和幸福!* Wishing you all the best on your wedding day, and a lifetime of happiness together.* 祝你們婚禮一切順利,願你們攜手走過一生,幸福美滿。
