

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Mazu in the coastal village of her people. She was known for her kindness, bravery, and wisdom. She was also skilled at divination and healing. One day, a fierce storm suddenly blew in, causing the sea to become extremely rough and threatening the lives of the villagers. Mazu knew that she had to do something to save them. She prayed to the heavens and sacrificed a chicken to invoke the gods' blessings. She then used her divination skills to locate a safe route for the villagers to escape the storm. With her bravery and wisdom, she led the villagers safely through the storm and saved many lives. From then on, Mazu was worshipped as a goddess of sea travel and safety by the people of her village and beyond. She was known for her kindness, bravery, and wisdom, and was celebrated as a symbol of good luck and safety in the ocean.

