

1. 孔子學琴:孔子學習彈琴,他對著樂譜練習時,手指按弦所發出的聲音都清楚響亮,尤其令人感到驚奇的是他的耳朵對於各支曲子的快慢強弱、節奏起伏,甚至弦音的粗細滑澀都辨別得一清二楚。英文翻譯:Confucius was learning to play theqin. When he practiced, the sound made by pressing the strings was clear and loud, and his ears could distinguish the speed, strength, and rhythm of each piece, as well as the thickness and smoothness of the strings.

2. 孔子知錯就改:孔子有一次在周文王廟裡祭過之後,魯國的君臣對他讚不絕口,說:「您對天、地、古都這麼熟悉,真是個聖人呀!」孔子聽後回答說:「算不得什麼,算不得什麼。我在祭神的曲子舞中犯了個錯誤。」 英文翻譯:Confucius corrected his mistake quickly when he was praised by the rulers of the state of Lu after worshipping at the Temple of the Ancestors. He said, "It's not much, it's not much. I made a mistake in the dance and song during the sacrifice."

3. 孔子因材施教:孔子對學生要求很嚴格,但對學生也很關心。他根據每個人的才能和個性差異進行有針對性的教育。英文翻譯:Confucius was strict with his students but also very concerned about them. He conducted targeted education based on each student's talent and personality differences.

4. 孔子謙虛好學:孔子一生勤奮學習,他曾經說過:「即使是不懂禮節的地方,也要照規矩行事。」這說明他對於學問的態度是虛心的,永不滿足的。英文翻譯:Confucius was always eager to learn, and he once said, "Even in places where there is no etiquette, one should still follow the rules." This shows that his attitude towards learning was humble and never satisfied.
