

* A lost letter(一封丟失的信)

* ABC order(字母順序)

* What to write on the paper(寫一張紙條)


故事題目:A letter for Daddy

Once there was a letter for Daddy, but it got lost. It was the letter "D" for Dear.

Daddy had been waiting for his letter and it was now dark. Suddenly he found a small piece of paper on the floor. It was a piece of a letter, the letter "D".

Daddy's heart started beating fast, and he smiled. He thought of his children and how much they meant to him. He knew that they were safe and sound, and that they were thinking of him too.

He lit a candle and wrote a letter back to them, using the remaining letters. He told them how much he loved them and how much he missed them. He signed it with "Dear" and put it in an envelope to be sent back to them.

When he woke up the next day, he found that the letter was still on the floor, but now it was complete. He smiled and knew that his children would be receiving their letter soon.

