

* 孝順父母,不論貧富。 - Filial piety to one's parents, regardless of wealth.

* 孝子之至,莫大乎尊親。 - The greatest expression of filial sons is to respect their parents.

* 父母呼,應勿緩;父母命,行勿懶。 - When your parents call, respond promptly; when they give you orders, don't be lazy.

* 父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。 - If your parents are still alive, don't wander far away. If you must go, make sure there is a destination.

* 孝子不諛其親。 - Filial sons do not flatter their parents.

* 孝子之養也,樂其心,不違其志。 - The way a filial son takes care of his parents is to please their hearts and not to oppose their desires.

