

Title: Cleaning Day in School

On a sunny day, our school holds a special event - Cleaning Day. It's a day when everyone contributes to keeping our school clean and tidy.

The morning starts with a group of students and teachers working together to sweep, mop, and scrub the floors and corridors. The work is hard, but it's also fun because we're all working together to make our school look its best.

Afterwards, we all gather in the playground for a moment of celebration. The sun shines brightly, and we sing songs and dance together. It's a moment of joy and pride because we've all contributed to making our school a better place.

Looking around, you can see the difference we've made. The classrooms are sparkling, the corridors are clean, and the playground is fresh and inviting. It's a reminder that we all have a role to play in keeping our school clean, and that it's important to care about our environment.

This is my experience on Cleaning Day at school. It was a day filled with hard work and celebration, but also a day filled with pride and joy. I hope everyone gets the chance to contribute to their school's cleaning day, because it's a day to appreciate our school and ourselves.
