

1. 題目:What is the most important aspect of education? (教育最重要的方面是什麼?)

答案:The most important aspect of education is critical thinking and creativity. 教育最重要的方面是批判性思維和創造力。

2. 題目:What is the role of technology in modern society? (科技在現代社會中的作用是什麼?)

答案:Technology plays a crucial role in modern society. It has revolutionized many aspects of life, including education, communication, and work. 在現代社會中,科技起著至關重要的作用。它已經徹底改變了生活的許多方面,包括教育、通信和工作。

3. 題目:What are the benefits of being bilingual? (精通兩種語言的好處是什麼?)

答案:Being bilingual has numerous benefits, including improved communication skills, enhanced cognitive abilities, and increased cultural awareness. 精通兩種語言有很多好處,包括提高溝通技巧、增強認知能力和增加文化意識。

4. 題目:What are the challenges facing education in the 21st century? (21世紀教育所面臨的挑戰是什麼?)

答案:The challenges facing education in the 21st century include the need for technology-driven innovation, the need for personalized learning experiences, and the need to prepare students for a globalized world. 21世紀教育所面臨的挑戰包括需要技術驅動的創新、需要個性化學習體驗,以及需要為學生們準備好一個全球化的世界。

