

* Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. It's gonna be okay, everything's gonna fall into place, and you will be okay, because you'll finally realize how alone you were and how you really didn't want to be alone at all.——《阿甘正傳》

* A moment when there is no one else left. That is loneliness. The pain of being an only animal in a sea of strangers.——Eric.Grey《孤獨的味道》

* Everyone carries a sad look inside.——《One day》

* I am an island, floating in the vast ocean of you. I am lonely, but I am not afraid of the dark.——《The Island》

* I am lonely and I am lost, but I am not broken.——《The Island》

* I am alone, and I am waiting for someone to come and find me.——William Wharton《I am Alone》

