寓言故事in english

Here are some classic fable stories in English:

1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf: A boy who repeatedly deceives others with his lies is eventually punished when he tries to call for help when a real wolf appears.

2. The Tortoise and the Hare: This story tells us that slow and steady wins the race, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and patience.

3. The Farmer and the Snake: This story teaches us not to be fooled by appearances and to avoid those who try to deceive us.

4. The Lion and the Mouse: A mouse helps a lion in danger, which earns the mouse a lifetime friend in return. This story emphasizes the importance of helping others and the virtue of benevolence.

5. The Boy Who Lost His Hand: A boy risks his hand to retrieve a golden ball, but in doing so loses his hand in a dangerous cave. This story teaches us that we should be careful and cautious when we encounter dangerous situations.

These stories are often used to teach valuable life lessons such as honesty, perseverance, compassion, and caution.

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