

Once upon a time, there was a young servant named Xiaoer. He worked hard and was always happy to help others. One day, he was walking through the market when he saw a beautiful dress that he knew his young mistress would love. He decided to save up and buy it for her as a gift.

However, he knew that he wouldn't be able to buy it with his own money, so he decided to ask for a loan from his master. He approached the master and explained his plan. The master was initially skeptical, but Xiaoer's persistence and sincerity won him over.

After a few weeks, Xiaoer had saved up enough money to buy the dress and presented it to his mistress as a surprise. She was overjoyed and gave him a big hug. His master was also impressed with his hard work and dedication, and decided to give him a raise in pay.

From then on, Xiaoer's reputation grew among the other servants and even the master's family members. They all knew him as the diligent, hardworking young servant who always went above and beyond to make others happy.

His story teaches us that with hard work and dedication, we can achieve our goals and make a difference in the lives of others. Xiaoer's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and kindness.
