
《帝女花》是一部關於明朝公主和將領的愛情故事,主要講述了公主長平(Moses)和將軍周志虎(Cheung Chi-ho)之間的愛情故事。故事發生在明朝末年的戰亂時期,公主長平在逃亡過程中被周志虎所救,兩人因此相識並相愛。


Tales of the Empress Maiden

Set in the turbulent times of the Ming Dynasty, the story of "The Empress Maiden" tells of the love between Princess Chang Ping and General Zhou Zihu. During the time of civil war, Princess Chang Ping was on the run and was saved by Zhou Zihu. They met and fell in love.

The story begins with Princess Chang Ping fleeing from the palace with her maidens, but is suddenly attacked by an enemy army. She manages to escape and falls into a river, where she is saved by Zhou Zihu. Zhou Zihu, who had been on a mission to rescue Princess Chang Ping from the enemy, had already fallen in love with her when he first saw her.

After their rescue, Zhou Zihu and Princess Chang Ping spend time together, and their feelings for each other grow stronger. However, their love is not without obstacles. Zhou Zihu is a general in the imperial army, and his actions are subject to the control of the emperor. He must face many challenges and decisions that could jeopardize his relationship with Princess Chang Ping.

In the end, despite all the difficulties, Zhou Zihu and Princess Chang Ping are able to find a way to be together. Their love story is a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

