

* 經濟發展使中國人民富裕起來。 The development of the economy has made the Chinese people richer.

* 科技發展為我們的日常生活帶來了許多便利。 The development of technology has brought many conveniences to our daily lives.

* 網際網路已經成為人們獲取信息的重要途徑。 The internet has become an important way for people to obtain information.

* 環境保護是我們每個人都應該關注的問題。 Environmental protection is a problem that every one of us should concern ourselves with.

* 文化交流可以增進各國人民之間的友誼。 Cultural exchange can enhance the friendship between people of different countries.

* 成功需要努力、勇氣和運氣。 Success requires effort, courage, and luck.

* 網際網路已經成為人們交流和購物的重要工具。 The internet has become an important tool for communication and shopping.

