

1. Lucky today is just a stepping stone to tomorrow.(今天的不幸只是明天幸福的墊腳石。)

2. Fortune favors the bold.(幸運總是眷顧勇者。)

3. Luck is like a cat, it sits when it wants to and walks when it』s feeling lucky.(幸運就像一隻貓,它想坐的時候才坐,心情好的時候才走路。)

4. Fortune knocks once at the door of each of us, but we can open it repeatedly.(幸運之神只敲一次門,但我們對每個人都會多次打開它。)

5. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (and claim your lucky star).(當生活給你酸檸檬的時候,做檸檬水,並拿起你的幸運星。)

6. Happiness and luck are often companions that come together.(幸福和幸運往往是成雙成對的。)

7. Believe in your luck and you will become lucky.(相信你的幸運,你就會變得幸運。)

