
當然可以,這裡有一個適合幼兒的英文故事比賽的簡單故事,標題為《The Adventures of Little Bunny》:

標題:《The Adventures of Little Bunny》

Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Rabbit. Rabbit lived in a beautiful meadow full of flowers and grass. He loved to play and explore all around his home.

One day, Rabbit discovered a new path in the meadow. It led to a secret garden filled with colorful flowers and sweet smelling trees. Rabbit was so excited to explore this new place and he knew he had to share it with his friends.

He hopped back to his burrow and called out to his friends, "Come on out, everyone! There's a new place to explore in our meadow!"

His friends followed Rabbit and soon they were all exploring the secret garden together. They played hide-and-seek, built forts out of flowers, and chased each other through the trees. It was such a fun day and they all agreed it was the best adventure they'd ever had.

From then on, Little Bunny became known as the bunny who brought his friends adventures. He always looked for new places to explore and share them with his friends. And his friends loved to follow his lead and discover new places together.

