

* 愛是包容而不是放縱,愛是關懷而不是寵愛,愛是相互交融而不是單相思,愛是百味而不全是甜蜜。Love is about understanding, not about indulging. Love is about care, not about pampering. Love is about mutual empathy, not about unrequited affection. Love is about all flavors, but above all sweet.

* 愛情是一種甜蜜的痛苦。Love is a sweet pain.

* 愛情無藥可醫,只治不愈。Love has no cure, only progress.

* 愛一個人,即便她不在身邊,也會想起和她的回憶。Love makes us remember the moments with the one we love, even when they are far away.

* 愛讓我們自由,又讓我們害怕。Love liberates us, yet it also frightens us.

* 真正的愛情是不能被控制和替代的。True love cannot be controlled or replaced.

* 愛情需要信任和包容,才能走得更遠。Love requires trust and understanding to grow stronger.

* 愛情是一份禮物,它不應該成為負擔。Love is a gift, it shouldn't be a burden.

* 愛情就像一棵樹,需要陽光和雨露的滋潤才能茁壯成長。Love is like a tree, it needs the nurturing of sunshine and rain to thrive.

