

1. "No need for the murderer to have an open wound within."(對於一個罪犯來說,內心的傷口是不需要的。)

2. "Be a better man than your brother's life and then we'll see each other again in hell and on earth."(為了更好地與你哥哥見面,為了更好的你和你再會,我們要努力活著,比你哥哥更努力,好嗎?)

3. "I am not a man, I am a slave, and my chains are too heavy to bear."(我並不是一個人,我是一個奴隸,我的鎖鏈太重了,我無法承受。)

4. "I am not a victim of fate, I am the master of my fate."(命運不是我的受害者,我是自己命運的創造者。)

5. "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."(世界就像一本書,你不旅行的人只能讀到一頁。)

