


1. 愛情就像一場夢,醒來時,一切都已改變。

Love is like a dream, when you wake up, everything has changed.

2. 我愛你,不因為你的美麗,而是因為你的善良。

I love you not because of your beauty, but because of your kindness.

3. 愛情是生命的火花,它比生命更長久。

Love is the spark of life, it lasts longer than life itself.

4. 愛情是兩個人一起經歷風雨,一起成長的過程。

Love is the process of experiencing storms together and growing together.

5. 愛情不是尋找共同之處,而是要學會尊重差異。

Love is not about finding common ground, but about learning to respect differences.


1. Love is like a dream, when you wake up, everything has changed. - Love is like a dream that you wake up from and everything has changed.

2. I love you, not because of your beauty, but because of your kindness. - I love you not because of your beauty, but because of your kindness.

3. Love is the spark of life, it lasts longer than life itself. - Love is like a spark of life that lasts longer than life itself.

4. Love is the process of experiencing storms together and growing together. - Love is the process of going through storms together and growing together.

5. Love is not about finding common ground, but about learning to respect differences. - Love is not about finding common ground, but about learning to appreciate differences.
