
故事簡介(Story Synopsis)是指對故事的內容進行簡要的介紹,通常用於向讀者或聽眾介紹故事的主要情節和主題。以下是一個簡單的英文故事簡介模板:

Story Title: [故事標題]

Story Setting: [故事背景/環境]

The story takes place in [故事發生地點], a [環境描述].

Main Characters: [主要角色]

There are several main characters in the story, including [主要角色1] [主要角色2] [主要角色3]等等.

Plot Summary: [故事情節]

The story begins with [開端], then follows [發展/經過], leading to [高潮/結局]. There are several important events and turning points in the story.

Themes: [主題]

The story explores [主題/主題1], [主題2], etc. These themes are reflected in the characters, events, and conflicts of the story.

Feelings and Impact: [感受和影響]

Reading this story will leave you with a sense of [情感/感受], and it might inspire you to think about [主題/社會現象] in a new way.

