

1. 給你自己的生活定一個目標,這樣你才能知道自己要往哪走。

Set a goal for yourself, so that you know where you want to go.

2. 不要因為他說什麼而相信,而應該因為他的行為而信服。

Believe not what he says, but rather what he does.

3. 只有那些勇敢鎮定的人,才能熬過黑暗,迎來光明。

Only those who are brave and steadfast can endure the darkness and usher in the light.

4. 不要因為失敗而灰心喪氣,即使你感到很痛苦,也不要放棄。

Don't get discouraged by your failure, even if you feel very痛苦, don't give up.

5. 只有那些永遠躺在坑裡的人,才不會再進步。

Only those who remain in the pit forever will not make progress.

6. 不要怕困難,要有勇氣面對它。

Don't be afraid of difficulties, have the courage to face them.

7. 社會主義是一個最好的、最有用的、最有前途的社會制度。

Socialism is the best, most useful and most promising social system.
