

故事標題:The Betrothed

Once upon a time there were two princes, each betrothed to a beautiful princess. One was to marry the daughter of the king of the land of yellow flowers, and the other was to marry the daughter of the king of the land of green trees.

However, they had never met each other, nor had they heard that they were to be brothers-in-law. They were both anxious to see each other and find out about this matter.

One day, the prince of the land of green trees suddenly had a bad attack of wind in his chest and was taken to the hospital. He had to stay in bed for a week. When he came out of the hospital, he sent a letter to his sister-in-law in the land of yellow flowers, inviting her to visit him.

The princess of the land of yellow flowers accepted the invitation and set out on her journey. She was accompanied by her maidens and her little dog. She arrived at the castle and was received by her brother-in-law.

After a few days, her brother-in-law』s health improved and he was able to get up and walk around. They were both very happy and decided to stay there for a few days.

One day, they decided to go for a walk in the forest nearby. Suddenly, they heard a little dog barking and they followed the sound. They found a little prince who was lost and crying. They helped him find his way back home and he became very grateful to them.

The prince of the land of green trees asked his sister-in-law to marry him and she accepted. The princess of the land of yellow flowers also wanted to marry him and become his wife, but she realized that she was already betrothed to another man and could not do so.

Finally, they all lived happily ever after. The prince and princess married each other and became one family. The little prince also found his way back home and lived happily with his family.

